A terrible, and all too common, fact of today’s world is that children are sexually abused. Not just by strangers, which is horrific enough, but by those who are supposed to guard and cherish them. When the most trusted exploit this dependence, the ultimate effect can only be a long-term disaster in the making.
My guest today Arny Alberts in his new book,”Burnt Cookies” tells of his own horrific experience at the hands of an older and trusted man when he was just fifteen.
In unflinching detail he describes how he became involved with Coach without really understanding the consequences it would have on him for the rest of his life.
”Burnt Cookies:A Quest for Closure” is no holds barred true live experience that that makes you shudder, think and hopefully bring hope.
During the show, Arny shared with us how his life was affected by the abuse he received leading to seizure disorder, sexual abuse, therapy, and family-related that scarred him though life.
During the program we learned how one phone call, lead to trail that ended with thirteen men holding a press conference outing what this coach had done to them, and hopefully saving more teenagers from a similar abusive fate.
As hard as it was to read such as this, it needs to be brought out in the open so parents will be aware of the damage pedophiles can inflict on a person’s life.
Arny Alberts and his book “Burnt Cookies” , is one such read that will help victims and family alike.
So sit back and listen to an interesting thirty minutes on today’s A Book and a Chat with Arny Alberts."
Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Arny Alberts "
or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Arny Alberts "
You can find out more about my guest and their book at:
"Arny Alberts - Burnt Cookies"
Barry Eva (Storyheart)
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