Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Book and a Chat with Fran Lewis

Fran Lewis is my guest on today’s “A Book and a Chat” with 36 years experience in NYC Public Schools as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer, Fran has gone on to become an author, radio show host, book reviewer and interviewer and educator. She is also a member of Whos Who of Americas Teachers and Whos Who of America’s Executives and Professionals on Cambridge

Her life has had plenty of ups and downs with some many of her early experiences being written about in her wonderful “Bertha” children’s books. Fran shared with us with much laughter some of these childhood stories, including the burning of $8000 in the kitchen oven.

As well as her children’s book Fran has also written a book dedicate to her mother “Memories are Precious: Alzheimer’s Journey” which proved a great amount of help and information for those who are affected by Alzheimer’s in one way or another. A second book dedicated to her sister called “Sharp as a Tack” is also available.

As well as her writing Fran provides a three in one deal for authors.
Get your book reviewed, blog tour on her website, face book and more and added interview posted on her site.

All you need to do is send her a print copy of your book and refer back to the author on your site when posting your review and your interview

So sit back and listen to today's interesting and entertaining show as I host today's "A Book and a Chat with Fran Lewis".


Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Fran Lewis".

or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Fran Lewis"

You can find out more about my guest and his books at:
"Fran Lewis - Bertha Fights Back"

Barry Eva (Storyheart)

My Blogs:

Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond

Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat

Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry

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