There are some shows that you really look forward to presenting, be it the person or the subject. Others provide a pleasant surprise at the enjoyment they bring. Not that I don’t enjoy chatting to all my guests.
Today was one of those shows that I have been looking forward to, partly because in this case I have actually meat the author, secondly that I know she loves the English accent *grin*, finally that her book is one a lot of people have read and enjoyed.
A Book and a Chat with my guest Kitty Keswick lived up to all my expectations, as we chatted about her and her “romance with a bite” debut YA book “FREAKSVILLE”.
About Kitty Keswick:
We chatted about how she has been a writer from her earliest days when a four line story lead to her winning a prize and several other awards at the age of eight, to jotting down stories in exercise books still stored under her bead. From voices in your head that tell you the story or lead the writer down whatever path they chose, many issues were discussed.
About Freaksville:
As one blogger so birlliantly put it…
"Freaksville is a laugh-out-loud chronicle of Kasey Maxwell’s venture into ghost hunting, all things paranormal, and her first real boyfriend. Written as a series of blog entries, complete with comments, Ms. Keswick not only moves the young adult novel into the modern era, but also hooks the readers with her fun, flowing style and irrepressible sense of humor. From her witty chapter headings to the mystery surrounding the ghosts inhabiting the school’s theater to all the yet-unmentioned surprises lurking within, the author will capture your attention and hold it hostage until you’ve reached the end. A highly enjoyable read that left me anxious for the sequel. ("
Well folks you won’t have to wait long, as Kitty shared the second book of this trilogy is going through the editing stage, it is “a little hairier” (Kitty’s Joke not mine) and is one that I for one am certainly looking forward to reading and I hope having Kitty back on the show to chat about.
The show covered every part of the book and the author and many other matters as well and proved to be a very enjoyable sixty minutes. So listen and enjoy this hugely entertaining author, on todays "A Book and a Chat with Kitty Keswick""
Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Kitty Keswick"
or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Kitty Keswick"
You can find out more about my guest and their book at:
"Kitty Keswick - Freaksville"
Barry Eva (Storyheart)
My Blogs:
Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond
Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat
Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry
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