Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Book and a Chat with Carole Shmurak

A fellow Connecticut author and member of CAPA Carole Shmurak is my guest on today’s “A Book and a Chat”.

An avid reader and writer when younger, in fact she can remember that in third grade she had a poem about a cat published in her school newspaper, her path lead Carole down the chemistry road into teaching, perhaps not surprising as her father was a pharmacist.

Firstly while still teaching she co-authored six "Matty Trescott" novels with Thomas Ratliff, under the pseudonym Carroll Thomas.

In fact  Ring Out Wild Bells, the third book in that series was nominated for the Agatha for Best Young Adult Mystery of 2001. 

These historical fiction “Matty” books are set in the years 1860-1874 and have been used in classrooms in Connecticut and Kansas. 

Finally after retiring from teaching Carole had the time to fulfill her desire to write creating the first in the “Susan Lombardi” series.

All mixed somewhat with an education theme her first book Deadmistress, has Susan following the case about the murderer of the headmistress of an elite New England boarding school.

This success was followed by  Death by Committee, where the murder is closer to home, occurring in her department at Metropolitan University; and in Death at Hilliard High, where Susan is called in to consult at an affluent suburban high school where some strange things are happening.

Carole’s latest book is “Most Likely to Murder” has Susan out of schools and out of Connecticut at a High School reunion.

About “Most Likely to Murder” (taken from authors web site)

What high school class has a thirty-two year reunion? A class whose president has left the country, whose vice president is dead, and whose treasurer is in the Witness Protection program — in fact, Professor Susan Lombardi’s class from Count Basie High School. Susan has misgivings about revisiting her hometown: she’s leery of seeing her former high school sweetheart, now a high tech millionaire, and reluctant to get involved in a battle between her squabbling brothers. But when she does go, one of her “old gang” ends up dead, and Susan and her friend’s team up to find the classmate Most Likely to Murder.

With this latest book already being awarded an honorable mention at the new England Book Festival  it looks like Carole has another success on her hands.

So listen now and share an interesting, and entertaining show as I chat with my special guest today on A Book and a Chat with Carole Shmurak


Direct link to the show
A Book and a Chat with Carole Shmurak

or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Carole Shmurak"

You can find out more about my guest and their books at:
"Carole Shmurak - Susan Lombardi Series"

Barry Eva (Storyheart)

My Blogs:

Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond

Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat

Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry

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