Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Book and a Chat with Irene Watson

There are many words that describe my guest on todays "A Book and a Chat"... Author, advisor, mentor, author coach, book marketer, editor of “Reader Views”, and old friend. Irene Watson is all of these and more.

Previously on the show, she shared with us about her award winning book “The Sitting Swing”. Today Irene joined me to talk about her new work "Rewriting Life Scripts: Transformational Recovery for Families of Addicts".


Is it time to start Rewriting Life Scripts?
• Do you ever find yourself longing to get out of your life?
• Pretending you’re someone else or somewhere else?
• Are you exhausted from trying so hard?
• Are you lashing out at others, even people you love?
• Are you withdrawing, hiding from meaningful relationships?
• Do you think you may have addictions - drugs or alcohol, food, internet, gambling, suffering?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then it’s time to rewrite your life’s script. Inside all of your darkness is the beauty of your heart and your soul. Let us help you find it. It’s easier than you think, and on the other side of the process is joy.

Written with Liliane Desjardins and Nancy Oelklaus, the book Irene created this book to help “set people free to be true and authentic in every area of their lives.”

As Irene shared during the program it is a book already shared at various retreats, treatment and rehavb centers.

A book that will, I’m sure, spread throughout the country and aid many hundreds if not thousands of people and families.

We also heard how the writing bug is shared by Irene’s granddaughter, who will soon have her first book in publication.

So sit back and enjoy today’s “A Book and a Chat with Irene Watson".


Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Irene Watson"

or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Irene Watson"

You can find out more about my guest and their book at:
"Irene Watson - Rewriting Life Scripts: Transformational Recovery for Families "

Barry Eva (Storyheart)

My Blogs:

Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond

Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat

Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry

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