Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Book and a Chat with Erica A. Murray

Today’s guest on “A Book and a Chat" is entrepreneur, mentor, educator and public speaker and now author is Erica A. Murray.

Erica for the past 18 years she has worked diligently consummating many business transactions and establishing an impressive clientele, as a mortgage broker, real estate broker, real estate developer, garment manufacturer and international business consultant. As Erica shared with us, one of her main mentors along the way was Donald Trump, from whom she I learned as much as possible, reading every book that he wrote and attending seminars where she knew he would be present, even if it meant traveling thousands of miles.

From this Erica has become a highly successful Global Business Consultant who finds great pleasure in assisting entrepreneurs and business owners to expand their boundaries to the global platform. She now shares this knowledge in her debut book “CEO to the POWER of YOU

About CEO to the POWER of YOU:

This is more than just another philosophical disconnected self-help book that fails to connect with the audience, but a captivating guide that will catapult the reader into uncharted territories of productivity and self-fulfillment. This global blueprint of success will challenge and transcend your thinking beyond innovation and cutting-edge, to a revolutionary and unfathomable dimension that you never could have imagined existed. Not only will you implement relevant CEO concepts, but you will be able to transition the theoretical information into practical, which will yield you a holistic life.

No matter your profession, industry, enterprise, skill-set or educational achievement, you have the authority to unleash the POWER of the CEO that resides within you! Her amazing power to tap into the psyche of the reader s conscious and sub-conscious mind is immeasurable and this literary work will NOT disappoint! She is clear, concise, and consistent providing detailed instructions for achieving growth beyond measure.

Erica A. Murray is inviting you into the Executive Boardroom of your life, for the most important meeting of the century! Are you READY to become CEO of the MOST POWERFUL corporation in the WORLD?

It is a book written in a way that sets it apart from other “self help” type of books, putting it in a language that all can understand, with a touch of humor, which shares Erica’s wish to enlighten business owners and entrepreneurs alike to the global world of business. It is not just for those highflyers but is something that we can all use to help us in our lives.

So listen now and share an interesting and entertaining show as I spend thirty minutes sharing "A Book and a Chat with Erica A. Murray


Direct link to the show
A Book and a Chat with Erica A. Murray

or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Erica A. Murray"

You can find out more about my guest and their books at:
"Erica A. Murray - CEO to the POWER of YOU"

Barry Eva (Storyheart)

My Blogs:

Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond

Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat

Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry

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