Anyway, my guest on today’s A Book and a Chat” is another doctor who has now gone into print. That is Christopher Stookey, whose debut medical/mystery/thriller is called “Terminal Care”.
Medical malpractice is something we all have to pay for, normally with the increase in medical insurance bills. Just imagine if you were a doctor and saw something going on that you did not think was right how you would feel.
During the show Chris shared with us his how his own introduction to the medical profession was being part of a lawsuit, as well as perhaps some of the items that he has seen fist hand in his day to day work as an emergency physician have influenced his debut novel. After all they say “write about what you know.”
About Terminal Care:
“Terminal Care” is set in San Francisco, and explores the unsavory world of big-business pharmaceuticals as well as the sad and tragic world of the Alzheimer’s ward at a medical research hospital. It is part medical procedural, part thriller, and part mystery and all three are expertly woven together to create a fast paced medical thriller.
The show included many side of this new author as well and an insight into his next novel.
So sit back and enjoy today’s “A Book and a Chat with Christopher Stookey”
Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Christopher Stookey"
or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Christopher Stookey"
You can find out more about my guest and their book at:
"Christopher Stookey - Terminal Care"
Barry Eva (Storyheart)
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