Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Book and a Chat with Jennie Helderman

My guest on today's A Book and a Chat is a woman to be hugely commended. Jennie Helderman was the first girl page in the Alabama State Legislature, she has made a huge contribution to helping out abused woman, by setting up her community’s first shelter for victims of domestic abuse.

From baiting fish hooks to telling stories there never seemed to be enough time for Jennie growing, up and even now her mind is full of stories she yet has to write. He life though has been more than interesting from her work with women’s issues and leadership, community development, public relations and communications, beginning in Gadsden, Alabama, and reaching to national levels. She has been a strong champion of women’s and children’s issues and additionally has worked with child abuse victims.

Along with that Jennie has travelled across five continents, made the pilgrimage of the Camino de Santiago de Compostella in Spain. In the summer of 2002, she worked as a photographer on an Earthwatch archaeology project at the Scavi in Pompeii, Italy. She’s hiked and rafted the Grand Canyon twice; visited 47 US states; climbed Mt. Vesuvius; photographed the Masai people and wild animals in Kenya and Tanzania; and recently toured China and Tibet. So as I said she has many stories yet to be produced.

After two successful coauthored nonfiction books, “Christmas Trivia” and “Hanukkah Trivia”. Jennie has now produced “As the Sycamore Grows.” a wonderful non-fiction story.

About “As the Sycamore Grows.”

Imagine sleeping with the enemy in the hills of Tennessee when the enemy totes a Bible and packs a .38. Mike shoved and slapped but his primary tools were isolation and economic abuseAE"until he discovered the power of the Lord. As the Sycamore Grows is a nonfiction narrative about ending the legacy of abuse. Ginger McNeil was brought up to pray and obey, but she escaped the padlocked cabin in the woods where she lived off the land with no electricity or telephone. Today she's a court advocate in the domestic court system. Her husband Mike admits the abuse, holds no remorse, and would do it all again. God made women to serve, he says. It's their job. Both Ginger and Mike speak, as do family, friends, ex-spouses, and others. Threading through the story is loss: the alienation of families, a spiritual void from betrayal by their church, and the death of the son Ginger had abandoned.

Jennie shared with us much about her life and the story behind her book, in a very interesting show.

So sit back and enjoy today's "Book and a Chat with Jennie Helderman ".


Direct link to the show
"A Book and a Chat with Jennie Helderman "

or you can download the mp3 file of the show from
"Jennie Helderman "

You can find out more about my guest and their books at:
"Jennie Helderman - As the Sycamore Grows"

Don't Forget November is MALE YA MONTH

Barry Eva (Storyheart)

My Blogs:

Book Information and Things UK - Across the Pond

Book and a Chat Radio Show Guests - A Book and a Chat

Funny, Weird Or Just Interesting News From Around the World - Laugh I Thought My Trousers Would Never dry

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